Introducing the free color and chakra guide! Taking you through the basics of chakras, color and your vibrant spirit!

Color and Chakra Guide for Beginners


truth be told

Colors impact us more than you think! 

This downloadable guide will take you through very basics of chakras and color, helping you see the connection between relationships, experiences, and the impact of color!

what's inside the free Guide to chakras and colors?

You can let life steer you in any which way, or you can grab the reigns, gain back control, and live a life overflowing with positivity and joy!


Introduction to Chakras


Basic chakras as energy centers in the body


The Art of Healing with Colors


The Concept of Colors and its ancient roots


Simple exercises to connect with the energy of each chakra


Your invitation for a FREE Radiant Spirit Workshop 


Resources for furher exploration

Meet Heather

Hey there, I'm Heather – your colorful guide to a world where art and emotions dance together!

I'm not your average artist – I'm a joyful, vibrant, and intuitive creator who believes that colors hold the magic of emotions and experiences. Imagine looking at the world through a kaleidoscope of hues, where each shade tells a unique story.

Want to know my superpower? I'm a synesthete – that means I see, feel, and live through colors! 🌈

When you talk, laugh, or share your story, my mind transforms those moments into a symphony of vibrant shades. It's like having an entire palette of emotions at my fingertips!

So, what do I do with this enchanting gift? I use it to heal, to uplift, and to paint stories that resonate with your soul.

Whether it's the serene blue of calm waters or the fiery red of passionate energy, I craft artworks guided by the chakra system and infused with spirituality. These paintings aren't just colors on canvas; they're brushes of healing energy that whisper stories of transformation and self-love.

Imagine having a friend who understands your heart's hues, who can pick out the exact color that lights up your soul. That's me! I'm here to translate your experiences into vibrant art that resonates with your unique energy.

Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a joyous, colorful, and healing adventure!

Life can be pretty beautiful. 

Sometimes you just need a little help making it that way.